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Community Garden

Community Garden registration is open!

Grow together, learn from each other and build a sense of community

The Town of Blackfalds provides the opportunity for community members to come together to grow healthy foods, beautiful flora, meet new people and enjoy the outdoors throughout the growing season. Gardeners have two locations to choose from - one off Aspen Drive and one at Pine Crescent Park.

Please see Garden Plot Diagrams with locations, Requirements & Expectations, and Agreement in the documents section below.

Gardens will be ready for use starting the Friday of May Long weekend until the Tuesday after Thanksgiving weekend.

Aspen Garden Includes:Pine Crescent Garden Includes:
  • Twenty five (25) 5m x 5m plots for $30 each.
  • Ten (10) plots 2.5m x 5m for $15 each.
  • Two (2) plots 1.5m x 3.35m for $15 each.
  • Twenty five (25) 5m x 5m plots for $30 each.
  • Ten (10) plots 2.5m x 5m for $15 each.


Aspen Dr. Map

Pine Cr.  Map

Community Garden Registration

*Updated March 24, 2025

Registration will be online (must have Perfectmind account) and in-house at Abbey Centre Guest Services (4500 Womacks Road) ONLY.

A max. of 2 plots are permitted per registrant. 

To encourage a fair and equal chance for all members to get a plot, registrants will be registered on a first-come, first-serve basis.

We respectfully ask for your patience during the registration day.

2025 Schedule

March 14Plot registration opens at 7:00am!
May 16Plots open for season (weather dependent) - if gardens open sooner you will be notified by email.
July 7'Weed It or Lose It' starts.
Notifications will be sent to applicants if the garden is not adequately maintained.
Please notify us if you cannot maintain or choose to give up your garden.
Garden inspections will continue throughout the season periodically.
October 13Last day to harvest produce and remove all fencing, stakes, water containers, tools, etc.
October 14Plots are cleared and tilled by Parks - any items removed will be discarded, with NO exceptions.