Town Notices
Notice of Decisions
Development Permit NumberSite Information & DecisionProposed Development347-242 Anna CloseDecision: ApprovedDate of Decision: January 28, 2025Appeal Jurisdiction: N/AAppeal Deadline:N/ASide Yard Relaxation1-2566 Westview CrescentDecision: ApprovedDate of Decision: January 28, 2025Appeal Jurisdiction: Regional SDABAppeal Deadline: February 18, 20252 Side Yard RelaxationsUpdated: 2025-02-07
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Notice of Proposed Development
The Town of Blackfalds, Planning and Development Department, has received a development application for the address noted below. As the proposed use is discretionary within the Town of Blackfalds Land Use Bylaw 1268/22, the adjacent landowners are to be notified. The details are as follows:Development Permit:12-25Civic Address:4914 Broadway AvenueLegal Description:Lot 10 & 11, Block 13, Plan 3446HWProposed Development:Change of Use – Daycare MajorLand UseDistrict:C-1 – Commercial Central DistrictMunicipal Planning Commission Review Date: February 25, 2025 (tentative)Please provide this office with any written comments and/or concerns that you may have with this application. To avoid delays by regular mail, responses may be received via fax to the Town of Blackfalds at (403) 600-0045 or at the general email at response deadline is February 14, 2025. If we have not received a written reply by this date, it will be assumed that you have no objections regarding the proposed development.PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT
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Blackfalds’ Bike Skills Park to be Renamed Following Acquisition
Blackfalds, Alberta (January 27, 2025)– The Vesta Energy Bike Skills Park will be renamed the Parallax Energy Bike Skills Park following the acquisition of Vesta Energy by Parallax Energy Operating Inc.The acquisition was announced in early December with a media release from Parallax stating “Parallax now owns and operates the former Vesta assets and is well-positioned for long-term organic growth. Parallax has retained the existing employees and contractors both in the greater Red Deer field operating area…” Vesta Energy was a long-time sponsor of several Blackfalds events, as well as the title sponsor for the Bike Skills Park, and Parallax assures that only the name will be changing, sharing that the relationship between the Town of Blackfalds and Parallax will continue as the company is committed to continuing its efforts to stay involved in the Blackfalds community.“As a local oil and gas producer with operations in the greater Red Deer area, Parallax Energy is thrilled to partner with the Town of Blackfalds to support one of the top municipal bike parks in Alberta,” shared Thomas Everett, Manager of Surface Land and Stakeholder Relations. “The Parallax Energy Bike Skills Park offers biking options for all ages and skill levels and that is what we love about it. A real community space to bring people together, encouraging physical exercise while allowing bike skill development on a top-tier track.”The Town will begin the process of updating all signage and communications to Parallax Energy Bike Skills Park in the coming months.