Municipalities are given the authority to enact bylaws under the Province of Alberta through the Municipal Government Act (MGA). Bylaws are put into place to meet the needs of residents, determine provisions and resolve issues that include public safety and standards, business activities, financial provisions, and municipal services.
Municipal Bylaws are drafted by the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) or another member of administration delegated to that function. Drafts of the bylaw are put forward to Town Council who review each reading, then pass and adopt the laws. Section 187 of the MGA states that "every proposed bylaw must have three distinct and separate readings" by Town Council.
Bylaws are enforced by Community Peace Officers on a complaint and observance basis and are enforceable even if not published on the website.
This page provides the most prevalent and frequently used bylaws. For a complete list, please contact
The Town of Blackfalds strives to keep Bylaws on our website accurate and current and in compliance with the Municipal Government Act of Alberta. The Town of Blackfalds does not guarantee the accuracy of digital information and this listing may not include the latest updates and/or amendment(s). Electronic versions are placed here for reference and for convenience. For further information, or to request copies of Bylaws, please contact Legislative Services at the Town Office.
Name | Bylaw # | Description |
Access to Information Bylaw | 1295/24 | For the purpose of designating the Head of the Public Body and establishing fees in relation to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). |
Affordable Housing Taxation Bylaw | 1319/24 | Provide for making specific properties subject to taxation in accordance with the Municipal Government Act. |
Animal Control Bylaw
| 1181/14 | Details requirements for licensing, control, and related fees for animals. Enables “Livestock”, which includes chickens, within the Town’s municipal limits and clarifies the definition of “Kennel” to increase the number of dogs to 3 dogs (up from 2 dogs). |
Aspen Lakes Area Structure Plan Bylaw | 1300/24 | Provides a plan for subdivision and development of Aspen Lakes. |
Aurora Heights Area Structure Plan Bylaw | 1165/13 | Details plans for subdivision and development of the Aurora Heights area in the Town of Blackfalds. |
Authorized Overdraft Bylaw | 1326/25 | For the purpose of temporarily financing operating expenditures of the municipality if required. |
Borrowing Bylaw (2019) | 1238/19 | To authorize Council to incur indebtedness by the issuance of debenture(s) or bank loan for the purpose of purchasing capital land and buildings. |
Business License Bylaw | 1209/17 | Controls and regulates the regulations for business licensing within the Town of Blackfalds, including business types and related fees. |
CAO Appointment Bylaw | 1288/23 | Appointment of Chief Administrative Officer effective August 1, 2023. |
CAO's Bylaw | 1311/24 | To establish and define the duties and powers of the Chief Administrative Officer and Provide for the Appointment of the Chief Administrative Officer as a designated officer. |
Cemetery Bylaw | 1313/24 | Outlines the terms for regulation and control of the cemetery |
Community Standards Bylaw | 1220/18 | Describes the regulations relating to many civic issues including noise issues, unsightly premises, public disturbances, and curfew for youth. |
Council Code of Conduct Bylaw | 1322/24 | To ensure the conduct of Council members is consistent with the principles of transparent and accountable government. |
Council Procedural Bylaw | 1289/23 | To regulate the proceedings and conduct of Council and Council Committee Meetings |
Dangerous Goods Transportation Bylaw | 1141/12 | Regulates the transportation and handling of dangerous goods within the Town of Blackfalds. |
Development Fees and Fines Bylaw | 1269/22 | Outlines all the fees and fines regarding development. |
Election Sign Bylaw | 1280/23 | Encourage the effective use of Election Signs as a means of communication in a manner that ensures safety and aesthetics and that will be equitably applied and enforced. |
Electric Distribution System Franchise Agreement | 1156/13 | A Bylaw of the Town of Blackfalds in the Province of Alberta for the electric distribution system franchise agreement. |
Electric Distribution System Franchise Agreement Amendment | 1248/20 | Amendment to Bylaw 1156/13, to prohibit other persons from providing electric distribution service within the legal boundaries of the municipality. |
Fire Protection Bylaw | 1312/24 | Provides the establishment and operation of fire protection services. |
Lakeside Area Structure Plan Bylaw | 1174/14 | Outlines the plans for subdivision and development of the Lakeside area in the Town of Blackfalds. |
Land Use Bylaw | 1268/22 | Outlines how districts in the municipality are divided, regulates the land use of each district, and guides decisions on development permits. |
McKay Ranch Area Structure Plan | 1310/24 | Being a bylaw of the Town of Blackfalds in the Province of Alberta to amend Land Use Bylaw 1198/16. |
Member at Large Review Panel Bylaw | 1316/24 | Established for the purpose of screening, interviewing and recommending Members at Large to various Town Boards, Committees and Commission. |
Multi-Plex Expansion Borrowing Bylaw | 1245/20 | Authorizes Council to incur indebtedness by the issuance of debenture(s) or bank loan for the purpose of constructing the Multi-Plex which includes an additional ice surface and public library. |
Municipal By-election Bylaw | 1263/21 | Outlines the process and procedures and provides the authority to hold municipal by-elections. |
Municipal Election Bylaw
| Outlines the process and procedures and provides the authority to hold municipal and school trustee elections within the Town of Blackfalds. | |
Municipal Emergency Bylaw | 1252/20 | Directs the processes and procedures of the Municipal Emergency Management Agency to prepare for and respond to regional and municipal emergencies. |
Naming and Addressing Bylaw | 1182/14 | Regulates the naming of roadways and development areas within the Town of Blackfalds. |
Offsite Levies Bylaw | 1190/15 | Authorizes the collection of offsite Levies for the Town of Blackfalds. |
Parental Leave for Elected Officials Bylaw | 1227/18 | To establish whether elected officials are entitled to take leave prior to or after the birth or adoption of their child. |
Property Tax Bylaw (2022) | 1271/22 | Authorizes property tax rates for the 2022 budget year and includes authorization to assess additional tax on properties which have undergone improvements in 2022. |
Property Tax Bylaw (2023) | 1281/23 | Authorizes property tax rates for the 2023 budget year and includes authorization to assess additional tax on properties which have undergone improvements in 2023. |
Property Tax Bylaw (2024) | 1305/24 | Authorizes property tax rates for the 2024 budget year and includes authorization to assess additional tax on properties which have undergone improvements in 2024. |
Public Notification Bylaw | 1285/23 | Ensures that notice is provided to residents in advance about bylaws, resolutions, meetings, and public hearings. This Bylaw brings the Town of Blackfalds into compliance with the Municipal Government Act and outlines a variety of effective methods for use in communication with residents. |
Rate Bylaw
| 1053/07 | Establishes fees for services provided. To amend the Rate Bylaw 1053/07 to charge for various goods and services. To amend the Rate Bylaw 1053/07 to charge for various goods and services. |
Records and Information Management Bylaw | 1296/24 | Establish authority for the management, retention, and disposition of records and information in all media formats. |
Redesignation of Lot 3, Block 1, Plan 102 2233 Bylaw | 1276/23 | Redistrict a portion of Lot 3, Block 1, Plan 102 2233 (2.53 HA) from Commercial Highway District (C-2) to Public Facility District (PF) designation. |
Regional Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Bylaw | 1274/22 | For the purpose of exercising the functions of the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (SDAB) in accordance with the Act and for the provision of Regional Intermunicipal SDAB services by Parkland Community Planning Services. |
Security Alarm System Bylaw | 1219/17 | Regulates security alarm systems in order to reduce false alarms that require RCMP or Fire Dept. response. |
Smoking and Vaping Bylaw | 1228/18 | To regulate smoking and vaping of cannabis and tobacco products in public places |
Solid Waste Management Bylaw
| 1167/13 | To regulate the handling, collection and disposal of solid waste in the Town of Blackfalds. |
Subdivision Authority Bylaw | 1284/23 | For the purpose of rescinding Bylaw 867/00 and to establish the subdivision authority in the Town of Blackfalds. |
Taxi Business Bylaw | 1158/13 | Outlines the regulations for the licensing and control of taxis within the Town of Blackfalds |
Traffic Bylaw | 1232/19 | Respecting the safety, health and welfare and the protection of people and property |
Urban Hen Bylaw | 1324/25 | Details requirements for licensing, control and related fees for Urban Hens |
Utility Bylaw
| 1250/20 | To Regulate the supply and use of water, wastewater and stormwater utilities in the Town of Blackfalds |
Valley Ridge Estates Area Structure Plan Bylaw | 1308/24 | Detailed plan for the development of the Valley Ridge Estates in the town of Blackfalds |
Name | Policy # | Description |
Advertising and Sponsorship | 121/16 | The Advertising and Sponsorship Policy provides guidelines and flexibility to maximize revenue opportunities while protecting the Town’s corporate values, image, assets, and interests. |
Asset Management | 161/22 | Facilitate the logical, methodical, and informed decision-making for the Town’s Asset Management Program to achieve greater Asset Life-cycle management and effective allocation of resources. |
Certificate of Compliance | 168/23 | Establish a consistent approach for requirements and develop a procedure for processing Certificate of Compliance requests. |
Community Initiatives Grant | 185/24 | Outline the Community Initiative Grant program and event grant funding criteria for Organizations hosting activities that take place within the Town of Blackfalds. |
Community Services Framework | 188/25 | Guide and structure the development, management, and the overarching goals for the provision of recreational programs, events and services within the Town of Blackfalds |
Corporate Credit Card Usage | 152/21 | To set parameters, identify accountability, and establish protocol for financial transactions made on behalf of the Town of Blackfalds by approved credit card holders utilizing Municipal issued credit cards. |
Council Remuneration & Compensation | 189/25 | To outline the remuneration and compensation provided to Mayor and Council through honorarium, per diem rates, expenses, benefits, and professional development, as well as the process for reviews and adjustments as identified through the Terms of Reference – Council Remuneration Review Committee. |
Electronic and Digital Signatures | 183/24 | To establish a reliable and consistent approach to the use of Electronic and Digital Signatures and provide guidance on when electronic submissions are considered official and acceptable by the Town to expedite workflow processes, modernize Records, reduce the need for physical recordkeeping and improve customer service. |
Environment Management | 145/20 | Policy will assist the Town to lead environmental mandates for the protection, conservation and enhancement of the environment through our local, provincial and regional partnerships. |
Fleet & Equipment Replacement | 113/14 | Define criteria and processes that allow for timely replacement or addition of municipal equipment and to determine estimated funding dedication to Equipment Reserves to fund the purchase at the established timelines. |
Human Resources Framework | 178/24 | To establish a framework for developing Human Resources’ Administrative Policies, Administrative Procedures and operational practices for the Town of Blackfalds implemented by the Chief Administrative Officer. |
Management of MR and ER Lands | 120/16 | Provide direction for the management of Town owned reserve lands, how to deal with existing encroachments on reserves, the potential disposal and leasing of existing reserve lands, and the acquisition of reserve lands in new subdivisions. |
Member at Large Recognition | 187/24 | To recognize the important contribution Council Committee Members at Large make to the community. |
Municipal Facility Office Space | 163/22 | The Town of Blackfalds is dependent on external outreach agencies for needed services and providing office space for these agencies, when available is of benefit to the Community. |
Municipal Service Level Inventory | 186/24 | To outline the services that the Town provides as well as a description of the service and service level. This will play a key role in the Town's planning processes to determine and communicate services and service levels. |
Office Hours | 153/21 | To be accountable to residents in setting and offering consistent hours by which the Civic Centre will operate and provide services. |
Organizational Structure | 177/24 | To establish and ensure that the Town of Blackfalds has an appropriate Senior Management Team Organizational Structure, as developed by the Chief Administrative Officer and approved by Council. |
Policy Governance Framework | 169/23 | To establish and provide a framework for developing and classifying Town Policies into either Council Policies or Administrative Policies. |
Potable Water Management | 146/20 | This Policy will help the Town to lead environmental mandates relating to potable water usage for the protection, conservation, and enhancement of the environment through our local, provincial, and regional partnerships. |
Procurement | 174/24 | To establish the basic direction, philosophies, and values for the procurement of Goods, Services and Construction for use by the Town of Blackfalds. |
Public Donation | 134/19 | Set out the circumstances under which the Town of Blackfalds Council may approve financial donations or donations of resources by request of individuals, community groups, and/or organizations within the community and region. |
Public Participation | 170/23 | To establish and create opportunities for meaningful public participation in specific decisions that directly impact the public in accordance with Section 216.1 of the Municipal Government Act. |
Signing Authority | 184/24 | To clarify who in the organization may sign or authorize which municipal documents. To support accountability for financial and non-financial transactions. To provide clarity of roles and responsibilities. |
Snow and ice Maintenance | 148/20 | This Policy will assist the Town in following environmental mandates relating to winter maintenance for the protection, conservation, and enhancement of the environment through this policy. |
Social Media | 182/24 | To facilitate and govern the standards of communication on all Social Media venues used by members of Council to ensure consistency and openness throughout the organization. |
Special Event Permit | 181/24 | The purpose of this Policy is to determine the requirements for holding Special Events within Town properties and public places and develop an approval process. |
Travel and Subsistence | 173/23 | This policy will guide Council of the Town of Blackfalds on the fair and consistent treatment of reimbursement of business expenses. |
Video Surveillance | 140/20 | This policy relates solely to the operation of the public surveillance system and is to be read in conjunction with the town’s procedures regarding the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP), and in general accordance with the principles contained within the Service Alberta Guide to Using Surveillance Cameras in Public Areas & the FOIP Act. |
Website | 117/15 | The policy is put into place to ensure that the Town website is a key tool in the distribution of information to residents, businesses, visitors, media, and the public at large. |
Wordmark and Corporate Branding | 154/22 | This policy establishes guidelines for the use of the Town wordmark and ensures that the corporate image is presented in the most ideal and professional format in various forms of use. |