A Commissioner for Oaths is a person who is appointed to administer and take oaths of another upon affidavits (a written sworn statement) and upon statutory declarations (a legal document commonly used to declare something to be accurate as if made under oath).
In Alberta, Commissioners for Oath receive authority from the Ministry of Justice and Solicitor General and Notaries Public and Commissioners for Oaths in Alberta are governed under the Notaries and Commissioners Act, SA 2013, c N-5.5 (the "Act"). They can commission documents in and for Alberta only.
Please note that Town of Blackfalds Councillors, including the Mayor, are Commissioner for Oaths by virtue of their office but don’t hold the office of Notary Public.
This service is provided at no cost for the convenience of the public. If at any time the Town’s Commissioners for Oaths are unsure of the documentation provided or are uncomfortable with administering the oath, the Town of Blackfalds reserves the right to refuse this service.
Please check carefully if you have documents that must be notarized or if the documents will be leaving the Alberta Provincial border.
Resident Guidelines for Commissioners for Oaths
What CAN a Commissioner for Oaths do?
Commissioners for Oaths can:
- administer oaths.
- take and receive affidavits, affirmations, or declarations.
- attest (bear witness to) oaths, affidavits, affirmations, or declarations.
A Commissioner for Oaths administers oaths and takes and receives affidavits, declarations, and affirmations that will be used in Alberta.
An oath is a solemn declaration accompanied by swearing to a supreme being or something sacred to the person taking the oath that a statement is true.
Oaths are often used to confirm a written statement, known as an affidavit, for use in court, estate, or land title transactions.
What CAN'T a Commission for Oaths Do?
Commissioner for Oaths cannot:
- commission consent letters for minors travelling abroad.
- act as a Notary Public If your paperwork requires a Notary Public, the Town is unable to provide this service.
- provide legal advice or direction on how to complete paperwork. If you have questions regarding the paperwork or how to fill it out correctly, you should consult a lawyer.
- be responsible for the content of the affidavit/statutory declaration; it is the responsibility of the person whose signature is being commissioned (the deponent). The deponent must understand not only the details to which he or she will attest but also that he or she is swearing an oath that the details are correct.
- provide certified true copies. Legislation in Alberta does not provide a Commissioner for Oaths with those powers, even if your paperwork says otherwise. You may wish to inquire at a lawyer’s office to see if this is a service they provide.
- commission any passport documentation.
- commission forms dealing with waiving rights under the Dower Act or insurance documents requiring waiving of rights.
- commission forms that do not contain an oath (a statement of fact or a promise) or jurat (a clause at the foot of an affidavit showing when, where, and before whom the actual oath was sworn or affirmation was made).
What documents require a Commissioner for Oaths?
This is only for documents to be used within the Province of Alberta. You will need to see a Notary Public or a Federal Commissioner for Oaths for documents to be used out of Province – even if your paperwork states that a Commissioner for Oaths can administer the Oath.
Please ensure:
- You check the requirements carefully (if the documentation requires a Notary Public, it cannot be completed by a Commissioner for Oaths ).
- All documentation supporting the request must be made available for inspection by the Commissioner for Oaths.
- Ensure forms contain an oath (a statement of fact or a promise) or jurat (a clause at the foot of an affidavit showing when, where, and before whom the actual oath was sworn or affirmation was made).
How do I book an appointment?
If all the documentation is in order and can be verified by a Town Commissioner for Oaths, please contact the Town Office 403.885.4677 or Abbey Centre 403.885.4029 to arrange an appointment or email info@blackfalds.ca
- There is no fee for this service.
- If your documentation requires a witness, you must bring your own.
- It is your responsibility to ensure that each document is pre-filled out except for the signature, which will have to be witnessed by the commissioner.
- Bring a Government Photo ID, e.g., a Passport, to verify you are the person named in the document.
Further information
For further information contact:
Official Documents & Appointments
111, 9833 – 109 Street
Edmonton, Alberta, T5K 2E8
Tel: 780.427.5981
e-mail: official.documents@gov.ab.ca