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Outdoor Skating

The Town of Blackfalds maintains numerous locations for outdoor skating (listed below).
Outdoor areas not listed, including Aspen Lakes, are not maintained by the Town.

Outdoor Rink (ODR)
Centennial Pond RinkJust off Panorama Blvd mapOPEN
Pine Crescent Outdoor RinkPine Crescent map

Riser PondWestridge Drive mapOPEN
Willow Park Skating LoopWillow Road mapOPEN
Willow Park Outdoor RinkWillow Road mapOPEN

*Dates are weather dependent. Please check back for updates.*

Snow clearing procedure:

  • ODR's are maintained every morning during the week (Mon - Fri). This includes snow removal and flooding.
    Should it snow the night before, snow removal of trails, sidewalks and parking lots are a priority - maintenance of ODR's could be delayed and flooding may not occur.
  • Maintenance for outdoor skating spaces on weekends or holidays will occur as per operational requirements.
  • ODR lights operate from 4:30 pm – 10 pm.